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The greatest asset that Rio Doce Hospital preserves in these years of existence is its HUMAN CAPITAL. Keeping people motivated, engaged, and committed to the Hospital's values is our constant challenge. We know it is not an easy job, but we are aware of how essential it is. After all, taking care of people is our greatest vocation.
Our half-century of existence is the result of hard work, perseverance, and dedication of a group of professionals who do not give up doing their best. We won over our patients with the certainty that maintaining the daily quality standard of Rio Doce Hospital is our most challenging task. However, we are convinced that our connection with people is our great calling. We have a management DNA, and we know how to take care of people.
All actions carried out by Rio Doce Hospital have a strong focus on valuing human beings and improving the environment. We design decision making with the future in mind. We act sustainably and create mechanisms for the growth of our Institution, walking in synergy with the values applied by large international institutions, making Rio Doce Hospital one of the references in hospital sustainability in the national scenario. Our goal is not only to treat diseases but also to understand and address their underlying causes. Research shows that health is made up of more than just quality health care, but also social and environmental factors known collectively as the “social determinants of health”. We know that for many, the root causes of medical problems are the lack of jobs, income, housing, or stable food, in addition to limited education. These challenges can contribute to chronic illnesses and mental health problems and create barriers to access to health.
We value professional secrecy, transparency, and respect in all relationships.
We promote a healthy and safe work environment for employees and users.
We allow access to institutional information for customers, employees, medical staff, and society in general, disclosing aspects of the Business Plan that may significantly affect the Hospital's interests.
The Rio Doce Hospital is in constant motion. To this end, it trains, strengthens, empowers, and creates a continuous learning cycle in people management so that its employees realize their skills, preparing new professionals and maintaining excellence in the quality of the services provided.
Every project invested in knowledge by Rio Doce Hospital has a strategic relevance for our Institution and society, turning into sustainable and successful businesses for our patients and all those who seek our services as a reference for professional development.
Discover the services and medical specialties available.
We offer a wide variety of medical exams for our patients.
Learn more about our history and our social commitment.
O Hospital Rio Doce é uma instituição filantrópica mantida pela Fundação Beneficente Rio Doce.
Trabalhe conosco | Política de privacidade | Copyright © 1969-2024 Hospital Rio Doce, Linhares, ES • Todos os direitos reservados.